
Arni Sturluson My name is Árni Sturluson, a Chemical Engineering PhD with a passions for big data analysis and data visualization.

Currently I’m unemployed so I’ll use this space to get the important information out:
For any recruiter/employer, my current resume can be found here

Born in Reykjavik, Iceland (1992)
B.Sc. in Chemistry from University of Iceland (2012-2015)
Moved to Corvallis Oregon (2016)
Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from Oregon State University (2016-2020)
Moved to Reykjavik, Iceland again (2021)

Along the way I was lucky enough to get a Graduate Teaching Assistantship (GTA) at OSU,
and a Graduate Research Assistantship (GRA) at Dr. Cory Simon’s lab at Oregon State.

My research was centered around in silico studies on porous materials, including zeolites, porous-organic cages, and metal-organic frameworks (MOFs). My publishing history can be seen on my resume above, but the papers I published mainly explored niche ways to understand and explain certain aspects of porous materials, such as their geometry. The tools I used for that exploration includes:

  • Matrix Decomposition Methods (such as the SVD)
  • Graph Neural Networks
  • Recommender Systems
  • Autoencoders